Recycling Heat from Data Centers To Warm a Community in Finland
In Finland, Marathon Digital Holdings' launched a 2-megawatt pilot project to warm a community of 11,000 residents with recycled heat from digital asset computing.
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[Music] Marathon digital Holdings has launched a 2 megawatt pilot project to recycle heat from its digital asset compute data center to warm a community of 11,000 residents in Finland this pilot project is marathon's first digital asset compute operation specifically tailored for district heating Solutions District heating involves heating water in a central location and distributing it through a network of underground pipes within a local area marathon is exploring ways to monetize heat generated by its data
centers allowing District heating systems to use this heat instead of burning fossil fuels or biomass for thermal energy this pilot project represents an Innovative test in marathon's Pursuit towards developing new revenue streams and strategic approaches to achieving zero cost power for digital asset Computing while offering new solutions to the world's energy transformation for more updates visit
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